Day 13: The first dress I bought as an adult!
Dress: Old Navy, probably about 7 years old!, size xl
Cardigan (spot is on camera, it's not a well-placed but blurry brooch :) - Target, xxl, last year
Boots: Target Kady size 11
I keep hanging onto this dress despite the fact that it has alot of pink in it, and I don't really like pink. It's just so damn comfortable, and made of a very light cotton that doesn't wrinkle. I can't find anything like it. I'm thinking of dyeing it some day to revitalize it, but for now I don't want to ruin it so I'm keeping it as is.
Day 14: The butter yellow muumuu from a thrift store
I know you've all seen this dress before. I love it! It really is a testament to "TRY EVERYTHING ON!" because this super trendy thrift store that I go to - I just assumed that nothing there would fit me. This dress changed my perspective. I have since then found other awesome dresses at the same store, and at other thrift stores.
Dress: thrifted
belt: target xxl
Boots: guess which? :)
Closeup of belt:
I paired it with a brown cardi because I was in a hurry, I really don't like it. My navy one from the day before looks better but I had just worn it, so I steered away.
Day 15: Dress from
I finally paired this with a more substantial black sash, and I like the effect. I also enjoy having a dress with sleeves so I can forego the cardigan for a day. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love me some cardigans, but I am starting to get a little tired of wearing one daily.
sash: from a renfest
boots: Target kady size 11
I love this pic of me - of all the weird contortions I did to try to get shots of myself, by myself, I like how this shows the ruffled neckline, and also the delicate black slip underneath. My hair looks awesome, and the glasses match super well. All in all, a great shot of me, if I do say so myself :)
I think the Advent of Dresses was a really fun project! I was really glad to wear and rewear some old dresses and think about accessories and companion pieces like cardigans differently for the month. I definitely didn't get to all of my dresses, so keep your eyes peeled (isn't that such a gross saying?) for more new dresses from me in the coming month! Thanks so much for looking!
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